Natural flight
Man made
3-air balloons
Lift-The air pressure is greater underneath the wing than above and the aircraft/bird flies
Drag-the force than effects the speed of an aircraft/ can slow it down. Parachute is what slow the car down with the air pushed into the parachute and the way the parachute is strong enough to pull back.
Thrust- the forward movement of an aircraft/bird
Gravity/weight: The downward force of an an object when it is above the earth. Gravity is what balances you on the ground and keeps you on the ground.
Aerofoil-the shape of the wing of air planes and some birds.
the planes wings are what takes up in the air and the way the flaps pull up and what makes the plane lift of the ground.
Bernoulli effect:when a wing is in the shape of an aerofoil the pressure up underneath and it begins to lift the aeroplane.
Hi Adelaide my name is Chloe from wigram primary school I really like how you have added the details at the start of the story. But maybe next time you could tell people what all the meanings mean. I Also recall a time I have read something like this