
Sunday, 31 March 2019

Guitar skills 2

4 sections of orchestra?


10 Instruments

Image result for string section of violin1-Bansuri
Image result for guitar labelled4-dohlak

Sunday, 24 March 2019

Guitar skills

1-head stock

Where did the Guitar start its life?

The guitar''s roots go way back to 15th-century Malaya in Spain. Its engineering was pioneered by a Spanish black man, who gave just four strings or ''courses'' to his guitar. Thereafter, the instrument went through the Baroque and Classical periods before evolving into the six-stringed, modern-day guitar.

Find 5 key musicians that guitar?

1-Django reinhardt
2-steve vai
3-eric clampton
4-jimmy page
5-chet aitkens

Thursday, 21 March 2019

Chromatography experiment

Aim-To separate the different pigments in inks or dyes using paper chromatography.


1-cut strip of filter paper that is long enough to reach the bottom of your piece of paper.
and able to wrap around your pencil or ice-stick.

2-Rule a line in pencil approximately 2 cm from the bottom of your piece of paper.

3-fill your beaker with enough chromatography solution to fill your beaker to a depth of 1 cm

4-place a dot of ink above the ruled line on your filter need to produce a concentrated dot of ink so repeated applications may be necessary.

5-suspend the strip of paper from the pencil or may need to use adhesive tape to stop it from falling into the solution.

6-wait to see what is important that you do not disturb the beaker.if the solution comes in contact with the ink dot,the ink will run down into the solution rather than move up the filter paper.

Discussion- the liquid which was the water and the paper strip made a amazing mixture of colour.the liquid made the colour change and made a good colour mixture.

Sunday, 17 March 2019

Separating a mixture using distillation

Aim-To separate a solute from a solvent in a solution using distillation.


1-Set up the equipment as shown in the diagram
2-Add approximately 50 ml of water and a few drops of drops food colouring to your conical
3-Light your Bunsen burner.Open the air hole and gently push the Bunsen burner under the tripod
4-Heat the solution until most of the solvent has been evaporated.turn off your Bunsen burner.


I can see the coke starting to boiling and coke being converted into a liquid.The ice starting to melt.The liquid smelt like coke.the coke was evaporating and condensing into a liquid.


The solvent was boiling and evaporating in a liquid.the amount of heat being added onto the ice made a liquid which converted it into water.the coke was evaporating and condensing into the liquid which is the water.

Thursday, 14 March 2019

What I've did for my own choice for English

3d Car tuning-3d car tuning

Image result for r34 3d tuningFor English today I've tried out this game called 3d tuning.This game was all about cars and about building it yourself. I've really enjoyed playing this game because Im really into cars and I want to be drifter.My inspiration from cars Paul walker.I learnt that this game tells me all about cars and I really want to explore more about cars.

Thursday, 7 March 2019

What I learnt about king cobras

Facts about king cobra's

1-King cobras live up to 20 years
2-King cobra's hatch-lings are 18 inches and 46 centimetres 
3-Female cobra's lay between 20 or 50 eggs
4-Snakes uses tongues to smell
5-snakes swallow there food in one whole

What I read?

Kings cobras are one of the deadliest snakes in the world,this snakes have a strong smell of where its food is and where they lay there eggs.King cobra's live up to 20 years and which is a small amount of time to be on earth.These king cobra's are located in Asia,which as Asia to me looks like a dangerous place.  

Tuesday, 5 March 2019

Music Appreciation

1-Name of performer-walk of the earth 

2- the composer-lorde

3-Guitar,spoons,tapping on the guitar,other instruments

4-How they switch there guitar from another.