Aim-To separate the different pigments in inks or dyes using paper chromatography.
1-cut strip of filter paper that is long enough to reach the bottom of your piece of paper.
and able to wrap around your pencil or ice-stick.
2-Rule a line in pencil approximately 2 cm from the bottom of your piece of paper.
3-fill your beaker with enough chromatography solution to fill your beaker to a depth of 1 cm
4-place a dot of ink above the ruled line on your filter need to produce a concentrated dot of ink so repeated applications may be necessary.
5-suspend the strip of paper from the pencil or may need to use adhesive tape to stop it from falling into the solution.
6-wait to see what is important that you do not disturb the beaker.if the solution comes in contact with the ink dot,the ink will run down into the solution rather than move up the filter paper.
Discussion- the liquid which was the water and the paper strip made a amazing mixture of colour.the liquid made the colour change and made a good colour mixture.