
Wednesday 22 May 2019

What i've learnt in Maths

I learnt about circumference,diameter and radius.

Circumference-Circumference to diameter. You probably noticed that since diameter is twice the radius, the proportion between circumference and diameter

Diameter-a straight line passing from side to side through the center of a body or figure, especially a circle or sphere

Radius-Radius is half of the radius so if the diameter was 20cm radius will be 10cm so pretty much half of diameter.

Tuesday 7 May 2019

Human rights

S-I think have a reason to argue with the government because the government cannot take over human rights.If they are not happy with the rules or if they are not fair if not fair on them and humans have the rights to change it.But humans have to follow the laws rules.If there's an imbalance of power than the rules will change.

E-human rights include civil and political rights such as the right to life and liberty, freedom of expression, equality before the law and the right to be free from discrimination

E-Social, cultural and economic rights include the right to participate in culture, the right to work, the right to an adequate standard of living and the right to education. Everyone is equally entitled to human rights without discrimination

L-so that how human rights work and how the government works.Human have rights to change rules all you have to do is give a reason and argue about it.

Wednesday 1 May 2019

Convection science

Aim-to observe convection into liquid

1-set up a bunsen burener on a heatproof mat.put the gaze mat on tripod but just to one side of bunsen burner.

2-fill a beaker 200ml with 150 cold water

3-place the beaker on top of the triopd and gauze and allow it to settle for a few minutes.

4-carefully insert a drinking straw down the side of the beaker,ensuring the straw to touch the bottom of the careful as you dont want to disturb the water too much.

5-using tweezers,drop a crystal of possaium permanganate down the inside of the straw.wait for the crystal to settle.

6-very gently,so to not disturb the water,remove the straw.

7-light the bunsen and slide it under the tripod so that you are only heating the outside of the beaker.

Observation-I saw the crystal dissolving in the water.the potassium permanganate was rising from the heat from the beginning

Explanation-the hot water was rises because of less dense.

Discussion-the hot water was rising because of less dense,the crystal dissolved into the water and rose to the top.