
Tuesday, 9 April 2019

Reflection on Home eco

1-Cupcakes reflection


1-125 gram of butter
2-1/3 cup sugar
3-2 eggs
4-1/2 raising flour
5-1/2 cup of flour
6-2tsp of baking powder
7-1/4 cup of milk

the cupcakes didn't come out as a perfect product but still managed to make the cupcakes.I think that ours wasn't a successful product because our group had to use rice milk and Olivani  butter.I think we didn't put enough ingredients I am pretty sure if we had enough our cupcakes would have look like a proper cupcake.Our cupcakes were so low and didn't have enough like a quarter of ingredients.

2-Scones reflection


1-3 cups plain flour
2-6 teaspoon of baking powder
3-1/4 of salt
4-grams of butter
5-1 to 1 1/2 cup of milk

the scones came out as a good product and the outcome was successful and actually look like a scone.I think our measurements were perfect and together as a group it was good teamwork.The scones were taste nice and had a good taste to it.I hoping to make more in the future.

3-Apple spice muffins reflection


1-2 cups of flour 
2-3 1/4 of baking powder
3-1/2 tsp of salt
4-1/2 cup of granulated sugar
5-1 cup of peeled apple
6-1 eggs
7-1 cup of milk
8-1/3 cup melted butter
9-2 tspn of brown sugar
10-1/4 of cinnamon 
11-1/4 tspn nut meg

The apple spiced muffins were pretty good and not gonna lie i think ours was the best because i can taste the flavour of the apple but the others taste bland.the teamwork was good because we got the product done.

4-Friands reflection

I think the friands were little but still was a good product.I think we should make friands bigger so it can feed the team.The flavour was nice and i think that it had more flavour than the cupcakes

Sunday, 7 April 2019


1-playing piano with friends and guitar
2-playing guitar with ms beer
3-playing drum/drum lessons
4-play piano with a rythm

Guitar part 4

1-singer of we will rock you-queen 


Image result for queen

2-Since its release, "We Will Rock You" has been coveredremixedsampledparodied, referred to, and used by multiple recording artists, TV shows, films and other media worldwide

Queen songs
1-dont stop me now
2-we will rock you
3-we are champions

Guitar 3

Famous guitar player

Eric Clapton
jimmy page
jeff beck
b.b king
jimi hendrix

3 guitar songs

Drift away-Son of zion
im yours-jason mraz
spin the circle back

Image result for acoustic guitarImage result for electric guitarImage result for bass guitar

Wednesday, 3 April 2019

The behaviour of matter

Aim-to observe diffusion in a liquid.
1-Half fill your petri dish with cold tap water.
2-place the petri dish on your work bench and allow the water to become settled.
3-using the tweezers,place a single crystal of potassium permangate in the centre of the petri dish.
4-observe for 5 mins
5-repeat the equipment using hot water. 

Discussion-the hot water dissolved faster than and the cold water.the cold water spread ed slowly.the hot water dissolved more quicker cold water .the particles were the potassium which was the solid.  

Monday, 1 April 2019

Investigating sate changes

Aim-to observe water as it changes sate from solid to liquid and then to a gas.


1-collect enough ice so that your beaker is half full and place the thermometer 

into it while you step up and rest of the equipment.

2-set up the retorts stand and clamp alongside the tripod and gauze mat.

3-place the beaker of ice on the gauze mat and gently clamp the thermometer so that it is held upright and the scale is easy to see.the bottom of your thermometer should  be low enough to still be covered by water when melts,but not touching the bottom of the beaker.

4-record the initial temperature of the ice in the data table.

5-light your Bunsen burner and start timing with the stopwatch.

6-measure and record the temperature every minute.

7-continue measuring and recording the temperature until the water has been boiling 2-3 minutes.   

Discussion-the solid was melting into a liquid slowly.we were measuring the solid threw the thermometer.the water was evaporating and giving the measurement.